Morocco is well known for its designs, especially their mosaic designs. Everywhere I went in morocco I would see mosaic designs displayed on doors, fountains, walls etc. I always thought they looked so nice with all their bright colours and carefully cut shapes. To my surprise, where I was staying in Casablanca there was a factory showroom where a few workmen would sit and construct these designs. Two brothers had their own shop where they had all their designs for displays and I also looked through a book for all the mosaic they could design for customers.
I watched while one of the brothers cut the mosaics into certain shapes with some sorts of hammer. Then afterwards these small pieces would be glued together, and so on the process would continue. It's very time-consuming as each single mosaic shape is very small. For all the patience and hard work I must say the outcome for all the designs I have seen are outstanding. Above are the photos I took in the workshop, and I have also attached one of myself with some nice mosaic behind me.
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